50 Stories by ThePeepTimes
We often use euphemisms to talk about subjects that are unpleasant or uncomfortable to broach. Well, actually, we use them to avoid talking about...
Plot twist story prompts aren’t meant for the beginning or the end of stories. Rather, they’re for forcing big and small turns in the...
I’m a firm believer in Halloween. But I know all the gore and scary movies aren’t for everyone, especially little kids. Halloween is for...
I have worked with a legion of solopreneurs and small business owners; each stopped cold at the same word: copywriting. After a handful of...
As writers, we know that the process of writing is composed of work and worry. The work is a grind of word counts and...
You’ve finished that debut manuscript — the one that will help your career as an author take off. But how do you convince a...
Romance is difficult. In life and in writing, romance is a difficult and yet extremely enticing subject. Even in books outside the highly popular...
Writer’s Digest, February 1973 By Brian Garfield The English call them thrillers and in our clumsier way we call them novels of suspense. They...
There is a book inside you. There has to be. Why else are you reading a post about writing a book? Getting that book...
Being positive is the best way to take care of your physical and mental health. It helps you become a better person and also...